An open composition workshop will be a meeting of four artists – Patrick K.-H. from Vienna, AT, Robert Sochacki, Laura Adel and Hubert Kurkiewicz from Poland that will work on a collective concept of audio-visual presentation during the Kinomural public event in Wroclaw.

Kinomural is a new film-related formula that allows audio-visual projections to happen simultaneously after dusk, on lateral walls of buildings located in selected districts of the city.

Dates: 19-25 of September 2022
Locations: workshop space /Four Domes Pavillion + outdoor presentation, Nadodrze, Wroclaw /Kinomural

Laura Adel is an interdisciplinary artist who uses art to challenge perceptions and explore new aesthetics. She has based her work on abstraction, experimental films and interaction. Laura’s works have been awarded and exhibited both nationally and internationally. Among others at: Laznia Center for Contemporary Art in Gdansk, during the Punto y Raya International Festival Abstraction in Motion, and as part of the Urban Screen Production collection, her films have been shown in Canada, New Zealand and Australia. She works in the Department of New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw.

Hubert Kurkiewicz aka Sporo Wody – multimedia artist, by day residing in Copenhagen. In his art he pays attention to the interpenetration of image, sound and ideas, their coexistence, random interactions, relations or the influence they have on each other, in a word – various kinds of melange. He has projects at the intersection of music, video art, installation, performance art and everything in between.
He played a concert as Sporo Wody in Slupsk waterworks and prepared, together with Emilia Wisniak, an audio-performative performance Liquid at the Studio Theater in Warsaw. He is a co-founder of the Chair team.

Patrick K.-H. (Anton Iakhontov) – sound artist, video artist, composer. He has been active on the experimental scene since the mid-1990s as an improvisational guitarist, founder and composer of the “Beligriush” orchestra and visual artist. He currently works as a composer of electroacoustic music, live-acousmatic performer, video artist and animation creator. He is co-founder of the Acousmonium project. His broad artistic experience steers him more towards interactive forms and reflects his belief that most of the laws as well as paradoxes of any single medium can be mapped onto other media to achieve a certain (un)expected result. For the past few years, he has been working with the noks collective with his abstract sound and visual collages.

He lives and works in Vienna.