First workshop will take place in April (online) and May (offline, in Wroclaw, PL) of 2022.

For more information on the tutor please watch the video or visit his website:

Workshop will be co-hosted by dr Robert Sochacki, a visual artist and academic teacher from Wroclaw – to see his profile visit

Applications: via open call – click here

To check the eligibility criteria & see the location: scroll down

Landscape can be understood as environmental systems, as cultural outlines, as time- or activity- based scapes. It can be frozen in a certain gaze. It can be transgressive. We might want to have it archived or sculpted but in reality it is often just an afterglow, a random happening, a blasted territory left by most human and non-human species.
What does it mean today to look at the landscape? Who and why is considered as a part of it?

The concept might serve as a starting point or ending question to your personal project.

concept note for the Landscape workshops

Previous LAACT workshops and conference – click here

Location: foyer of the Four Domes Pavillion, Wroclaw, PL:

The workshop area is corresponding to the Abakanowicz. Total exhibition that is on display until 28th of August 2022. The participants will work with the objects.

Eligibility criteria

We are looking for students who are ready to take part in an intensive online and offline program.

You will meet with Jeremy Griffaud to work on your content during three online meetings:
22.04.2022 (Friday)
28.04.2022 (Thursday)
05.05.2022 (Thursday)

With ready animation collage you will then have a day-to-night process, preparing your projection installation in the workshop area at the Four Dome’s Pavillion:
13.05.2022 (Friday)

Your work will be shown to public during the Museum’s Night – 14th of May 2022. For one night the workshops’ results will become a part of Magdalena Abakanowicz inspired objects inside the Museum.

The participants will have to:

  • Be able to actively participate in each session of the workshop (online and offline) that will be led in English language (possible PJM translation for those who need it)
  • Prepare the initial content for animation before the first online meeting – before the 22.04.2022
  • Have the skills that allows to work independently on an animation, have basic knowledge about video projection
  • Have access to WIFI and to personal computer with adequate software
  • Be able to travel to Wroclaw for the 13-14 of May 2022
  • Be ready to work during night hours in the Museum – from 19:00 until the exhibition is ready.

Before the application prepare:

  • Your short portfolio with the selection of your most interesting artworks related to either media/animation/projection art or the theme of the workshop
  • Short motivation statement (1-3 sentences, why would you like to participate in the workshop with Jeremy Griffaud)
  • Your project description (2-3 sentences, additional visual material is welcomed but not essential)
  • Any additional information you would like to share with the coordinators and the tutor (i.e. hearing difficulties, preferred pronouns, any other sensitive information that might influence your presence in this workshop)

Are you ready?

Please apply via Google Form until 15.04.2022